Ubuntu issues a new Ubuntu release every six months. These releases are supported for nine months. LTS, or Long Term Support, releases, however, are issued every two years and supported for five years.
This article will show you how to find your Ubuntu version using the GUI or command line.
Note: We’re using Ubuntu LTS 22.04, codenamed Jammy Jellyfish, for this guide.
Check Ubuntu Version via the GUI
Left-click your mouse in the upper-right-hand corner of your screen. Select Settings.

You’ll see your Ubuntu version and a slew of other system-related info in the About window.

Check Ubuntu Version via the Command Line
The examples below show you how to check your Ubuntu version from the command line. Open your terminal and run these commands.
Check Ubuntu Version with hostnamectl
# hostnamectl

Check Ubuntu Version with /etc/lsb-release
# cat /etc/lsb-release

Check Ubuntu Version with lsb_release -a
# lsb_release -a

Check Ubuntu Version with /etc/os-release
# cat /etc/os-release

Check Ubuntu Version with /etc/issue
# cat /etc/issue

Check Ubuntu Version with neofetch
Neofetch is a FOSS command-line utility to ‘fetch’ system information.
First, you must install neofetch.
Open your terminal and enter:
# apt install neofetch
Next, we run neofetch.
# neofetch

You’re presented with a ‘pretty’ display of system-related information, including the OS version.