rnorm() Function in R

rnorm() function returns a random set of normally distributed numbers with a specified mean and standard deviation.


rnorm(n, mean, sd)


  • n = the number of random numbers to return
  • mean = mean of the random numbers
  • sd = standard deviation of the random numbers

The mean and sd arguments are optional. If you do not pass a value to them, they will take the default values as mean = 0 and sd = 1.

Example 1: rnorm() function with default arguments

#random 8 numbers


[1] -3.67075752 0.25787427 0.08390619 -0.61299033 -0.18415307 0.27384653 1.03770411 0.67303186

In the above example, the rnorm() assumes the mean = 0 and sd = 1.

Example 2: rnorm() function with specified arguments

#random 8 numbers with mean = 96 and sd = 2
[1] 96.67825 98.07197 94.95878 91.66486 95.88317 97.20591 91.79518 93.85726

Here, the function returns the random numbers with the specified mean and standard deviation.

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